StrawBomb (Working Title)

Ren Gifford Mysteries, Book 3

An idea I’ve been kicking around for book three is taking form.

StrawBomb is a term used by the antagonist, referring to “strawberry-blond bombshells.”

A series of youths, aged 10 to 16, began disappearing in the Oklahoma City metro area years ago. The only obvious similarities among them, aside from their age range, is that they are all strawberry-blond and orphaned—or rejected by their families—and unlikely to be missed.

Until Ren Gifford gets involved.

An investigation that delves into pedophilia, sex trafficking and child pornography paves an intense path for Ren through the painful childhood experiences of abuse, neglect and rejection suffered by the victims.

This will offer insight into his relationship with Beau, how he met and fell in love with Terry and how Connie became his straight.

There is a lot to fit into this, but I think it’s time to flesh out the main characters’ backgrounds.

I had a brainstorm with this tonight and there is a lot I haven’t included, but the story is already writing itself in my mind.

What do you think?

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